
As you might imagine, the planning and expenses involved in a triathlon are far greater than a typical running road race. The only fee to participate is required by and paid to USA Triathlon for membership. Should you wish to make a donation in support of our event, you may click on the link above to use PayPal or a credit card. Payment can also be made by check payable to “Mikayla’s Voice” and sent to: 1405 N. Cedar Crest Blvd, Suite 102, Allentown, PA 18104. All donations made to Mikayla’s Voice are 100% tax deductible.

If you wish to be a major sponsor please contact us for detailed information outlining various opportunities and levels of support.

Heartfelt thanks to the following 2024 Tri for Inclusion sponsors:

Lehigh Valley Reilly Children’s Hospital, JustBorn and IronPigs.

Good Shepherd Rehabilitation, St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital, Josh Early and Vapco.

Crayola,  CR&Y, Lehigh Northampton Airport Authority -ABE, Miracle League, GBB & Co., DE Cressman, Jt Designs, and Working Dog Press.

Likewise, we could not host this event without extensive cooperation and in-kind donations of time, talents, and services. Join us in thanking the following partners:

ASR Media, Rutler Printing, Wegman’s, Lehigh Swimming, Lehigh School Swim Team, South Whitehall Township, DH Productions, Greenawalds Fire/Rescue, and Centronia Ambulance.





"It doesn't matter where you finish as long as you cross together."